GAZETTE TITLE: The following areas of the existing 17 (seventeen) wards falling under 3 (three) gram Panchayats of (i) Wangjing G.P (ii) Wangbal G.P and (iii)Sangaiyumpham G.P are proposed to be removed/delimitated
Gazette Number : 445
Gazette Type : Extra-Ordinary
Financial Year : 2022-2023
Name of the file: gazzete/EG-445.pdf
Gazzete Title : The following areas of the existing 17 (seventeen) wards falling under 3 (three) gram Panchayats of (i) Wangjing G.P (ii) Wangbal G.P and (iii)Sangaiyumpham G.P are proposed to be removed/delimitated
Publishcation Date : Jan. 25, 2023