GAZETTE TITLE: Appointment order of 4 (four) persons provisionally, in ordert of merit temporarily in Category-VI of the Manipur Secretariat at Level 9 in the Pay Matrix [Pre-revised scale of pay of Rs. 9300-34800 + GP of Rs. 4400/-)
Gazette Number : 546
Gazette Type : Extra-Ordinary
Financial Year : 2022-2023
Name of the file: gazzete/EG-546.pdf
Gazzete Title : Appointment order of 4 (four) persons provisionally, in ordert of merit temporarily in Category-VI of the Manipur Secretariat at Level 9 in the Pay Matrix [Pre-revised scale of pay of Rs. 9300-34800 + GP of Rs. 4400/-)
Publishcation Date : March 29, 2023
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