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All Gazette Ordinary Gazette Extra-Ordinary Gazette
Gazette Number Publication Date Gazette Type Gazette Title
30 Nov. 17, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 30 (2021-22)
29 Nov. 10, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 29 (2021-22)
28 Nov. 3, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 28 (2021-22)
27 Oct. 27, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 27 (2021-22)
26 Oct. 20, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 26 (2021-22)
196 Oct. 16, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Manipur Land Revenue and Land Reforms (First Amendment) Rules, 2021
192 Oct. 12, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The High Court of Manipur IT Cadre Service (Appointment and Condition of Service (Amendment) Rules,
189 Oct. 11, 2021 Extra-Ordinary Manipur Oil Palm (Regulation of Production and Processing) Act, 2021 (Manipur Act No 14 of 2021
186 Oct. 6, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Manipur Goods and Service Tax (Fourth Amendment) act, 2021 (Manipur Act no 21 of 2021
25 Oct. 6, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 25 (2021-22)
24 Sept. 29, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 24 (2021-22)
23 Sept. 22, 2021 Extra-Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 23 (2021-22)
166 Sept. 20, 2021 Extra-Ordinary Scheme of examination for direct recruitment to Group III and IV posts under the State Government
159 Sept. 20, 2021 Extra-Ordinary 159-The Thoubal Municipality Solid Waste Management Bye-Laws, 2020
164 Sept. 20, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Manipur Conservation of Paddy Land and Wetland (Second Amendment) Act, 2021 (Manipur Act No. 23 of 2021)
22 Sept. 15, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 22 (2021-22)
21 Sept. 8, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 21 (2021-22)
136 Sept. 1, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Manipur Goods and Services Tax (Fourth Amendment) Bill, 2021 (Bill No 21 of 2021)
134 Sept. 1, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Manipur Conservation of Paddy Land and Wetland (Second Amendment) Bill, 2021 (Bill No. 24 of 2021)
20 Sept. 1, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 20 (2021-22)
132 Aug. 31, 2021 Extra-Ordinary Stretch of un surveyed land situated in SDC circle Salam, under Lamsang Sub Division, Imphal West Di
19 Aug. 25, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 19 (2021-22)
18 Aug. 18, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 18 (2021-22)
17 Aug. 11, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 17 (2021-22)
100 Aug. 9, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Governor of Manipur is pleased to appoint 52 (fifty two) teaching & 43 (forty three) non-teaching staff of the taking over of 4 Aided Colleges into Government service in their respective subject/posts
97 Aug. 5, 2021 Extra-Ordinary 97 Resignation of Konthoujam Govindas from Manipur Legislative Assembly
89 Aug. 4, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Manipur Shops and Establishment (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Ordinance,
94 Aug. 4, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Manipur (Courts) (second Amendment) Ordinance, 2021
96 Aug. 4, 2021 Extra-Ordinary Order for the creation of post (driver) in respect of the Office of the Public Prosecutor (District
16 Aug. 4, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 16 (2021-22)
15 July 28, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 15 (2021-22)
80 July 17, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Manipur Public Service Commission (Exemption from Consultation) (Amendment) Regulations, 20212
81 July 17, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Manipur Legal Service Rules, 2021
78 July 15, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Scheme Guidelines for Chief Ministergi Tengbang (Chief Minister Bal Seva)
79 July 15, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Scheme Guidelines for Chief Minister COVID 19 Affected Livelihood Support Scheme
14 July 14, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 14 (2021-22)
13 July 7, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 13 (2021-22)
12 June 30, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 12 (2021-22)
65 June 24, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Manipur Factories Rules, 2021
11 June 23, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 11 (2021-22)
10 June 16, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 10 (2021-22)
9 June 9, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 9 (2021-22)
61 June 8, 2021 Extra-Ordinary Final Seniority list of Category IV (Under Secretary) of Manipur Secretariat Service
8 June 2, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Manipur Gazette 8
7 May 26, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Manipur Gazette 7
6 May 19, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Manipur Gazette 6
5 May 12, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Manipur Gazette 5
4 May 5, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Manipur Gazette 4
3 April 28, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Manipur Gazette 3
2 April 21, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 2
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