eGazette Publications

All Gazette Ordinary Gazette Extra-Ordinary Gazette
Gazette Number Publication Date Gazette Type Gazzete Title
347 Jan. 7, 2022 Extra-Ordinary One time relaxation of the requirement of four years of service as MVS Grade II for promotion to MVS Grade I of the Manipur Veterinary Service (MVS) Rules, 1994
348 Jan. 7, 2022 Extra-Ordinary The Manipur Public Service Commission (Exemption from Consultation) (Amendment) Regulations, 2021
346 Jan. 7, 2022 Extra-Ordinary The Manipur Finance Services (1st Amendment) Rules, 2022
343 Jan. 7, 2022 Extra-Ordinary Resignation of Shri Korungthang elected from 42-Tengnoupal (ST) Assembly Constituency
331 Jan. 5, 2022 Extra-Ordinary The Manipur Health Service (3rd Amendment) Rules, 2021
37 Jan. 5, 2022 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 37 (2021-22)
326 Jan. 4, 2022 Extra-Ordinary Regularisation and absorption of 8 (eight) incumbent contract staff of Manipur Science Centre under the Department of Science and Techniology, Govenment of Manipur
325 Jan. 4, 2022 Extra-Ordinary Order for Creation of 9 (nine) different temporary posts of Manipur Science centre under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of Manipur
321 Dec. 31, 2021 Extra-Ordinary RR-Child Development Project Officer (ICDS)
36 Dec. 29, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 36 (2021-22)
311 Dec. 24, 2021 Extra-Ordinary Administrative Approval and Sanction to the creation of 16 (sixteen) posts of 5 (five) different categories under MAHUD DEpartment
35 Dec. 22, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 35 (2021-22)
306 Dec. 21, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Manipur Conservation of Paddy Land and Wetland (Conversion of Paddy Land for Public Purposes and Fees) Rules, 2021
294 Dec. 16, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Draft Shikhong Sekmai Municipal Bye-Laws, 2021
292 Dec. 16, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Draft Heirok Municipal Bye-Laws, 2021
291 Dec. 16, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Draft Wangjing Lamding Municipal Bye-Laws, 2021
289 Dec. 16, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Draft Yairipok Municipal Bye-Laws, 2020
297 Dec. 16, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Manipur Private Security Agencies (Regulation) Rules, 2021
303 Dec. 16, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Yairipok Municipal Waste Management Bye Laws, 2020
299 Dec. 16, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Shikhong Sekmai Municipal Waste Management Bye Laws, 2020
302 Dec. 16, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Lamlai Municipal Waste Management Bye Laws, 2020
301 Dec. 16, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Wangjing Lamding Municipal Waste Management Bye Laws, 2020
300 Dec. 16, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Heirok Municipal Waste Management Bye-Laws 2020
290 Dec. 16, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Draft Lamlai Municipality Bye-Laws, 2021
34 Dec. 15, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 34 (2021-22)
33 Dec. 8, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 33 (2021-22)
277 Dec. 7, 2021 Extra-Ordinary Classification of Posts
273 Dec. 2, 2021 Extra-Ordinary RR to the post of Lecturer of Higher Secondary Schools under the Department of Education, Government of Manipur
32 Dec. 1, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 32 (2021-22)
31 Nov. 24, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 31 (2021-22)
30 Nov. 17, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 30 (2021-22)
29 Nov. 10, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 29 (2021-22)
28 Nov. 3, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 28 (2021-22)
27 Oct. 27, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 27 (2021-22)
26 Oct. 20, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 26 (2021-22)
196 Oct. 16, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Manipur Land Revenue and Land Reforms (First Amendment) Rules, 2021
192 Oct. 12, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The High Court of Manipur IT Cadre Service (Appointment and Condition of Service (Amendment) Rules,
189 Oct. 11, 2021 Extra-Ordinary Manipur Oil Palm (Regulation of Production and Processing) Act, 2021 (Manipur Act No 14 of 2021
186 Oct. 6, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Manipur Goods and Service Tax (Fourth Amendment) act, 2021 (Manipur Act no 21 of 2021
25 Oct. 6, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 25 (2021-22)
24 Sept. 29, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 24 (2021-22)
23 Sept. 22, 2021 Extra-Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 23 (2021-22)
166 Sept. 20, 2021 Extra-Ordinary Scheme of examination for direct recruitment to Group III and IV posts under the State Government
159 Sept. 20, 2021 Extra-Ordinary 159-The Thoubal Municipality Solid Waste Management Bye-Laws, 2020
164 Sept. 20, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Manipur Conservation of Paddy Land and Wetland (Second Amendment) Act, 2021 (Manipur Act No. 23 of 2021)
22 Sept. 15, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 22 (2021-22)
21 Sept. 8, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 21 (2021-22)
136 Sept. 1, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Manipur Goods and Services Tax (Fourth Amendment) Bill, 2021 (Bill No 21 of 2021)
134 Sept. 1, 2021 Extra-Ordinary The Manipur Conservation of Paddy Land and Wetland (Second Amendment) Bill, 2021 (Bill No. 24 of 2021)
20 Sept. 1, 2021 Ordinary Ordinary Gazette Number 20 (2021-22)
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